Gender equality is where men and women are treated equally when they are in same position in the society. The fact is men are physically stronger than women. Recently, Our batch was dissatisfied with the semester timetable, at that time a boy stated to the lecturer that it has to be woman who made this timetable. That comment made me uncomfortable and at the same time it was shocking. I really don't understand why most of the people think that women's capability is weak. Even on the road, I have heard unfair comments about women's driving. Those comments always rise a question within me. do men never ever faced/made any accidents/mistakes while driving? there are people come pass by girl rider and they say 'traffic police officers are standing on the corner' when there are many other people riding on the road, why they have to tell this only to the girls, not others? does it mean gender inequality? And also i believe the changes should begin at home. Women should support other women. The changes should begin when people create a mentality that every children should learn to do house chores and a girl can get married whenever she is willing to do it without others opinion. Because people always judge others. In that case they judge a girl more than a boy.