
When it comes to bosses most of the workers are scared of them and I don't know why it is, of course it is because the respect, what workers do is they don't have the courage to talk in front of their bosses. We fear to talk in front of them and sometimes fear to give our suggestion, however my boss isn't that '' Daredevil Boss'' he is moreover a leader and always listens to the workers suggestion and is a friendly type , but in other companies I've seen people being scared of their bosses.

Here are some tips where you can avoid shaking yourself in fear before you boss!

  • Realise its all about you: Think as if you're not only the person with this much of pressure in work. Think yourself and take it as a positive thing that heavy work sometimes is happening to all the people out there!

  • Be honest with yourself: Is the panic that you feel toward your boss based on some other work or life experience deeper from your past? Just be honest with yourself and speak from your heart.

  • Humanise Your Boss: If your boss is mistreating you, scolding you all the time always thing that there should be some reason for this from his life. It is always important to realise that almost nothing in the workplace is truly personal and it is always to understand him from our perspective.

  • Create a professional Identity: The ability to draw a distinction of who you're in your real social life and professional life is important to depart your fears from your work

  • Understand from his/her perspective: He/she might be in a different problem might be his personal too, so always talk kindly to your boss and see if you can be the most friendly worker to him/her

This is how to overcome fear in succeeding in your life, watch this and start making a change!