Quote Originally Posted by Sheero View Post
Woman empowerment and feminism are two distinct factors that strengthens women in two different ways.

Women empowerment is treating women special so that they can feel as being equal to men;not exactlly giving equal rights on everything but giving some special privileges.

Feminism is something more related with competing with men, literally on everything to prove that women are equally capable. Unlike women empowerment here people believe in giving equal opportunities to women.

Discuss the other factors that distinguish both women empowerment and feminism and which should be promoted more.
As I see it, women empowerment is necessary for feminism to grow. You're right about Women empowerment though, but feminism is not about competing with men. Feminism is achieving equality as men, and equality doesn't mean we must do everything men do. All we need is the right to do something WE LIKE without being reprimanded by society. Owing to the suppression women had to go through in the past, we need to catch up with the century now. that means we need to have some privileges to gain the opportunities that were already designated to men. If a woman doesn't wish for privileges, it's fine. But generally, feminism isn't blooming everywhere, still, there're countries and societies which keep girls hidden from the world.

That is why we need empowerment to bring awareness to feminism.