Quote Originally Posted by Shan View Post
Fear is a common factor prevailing in every human mind.The image of fear vary with person and situation.We should create an amiable environment to reduce such kind of feeling.Stage fear or phobia is aroused when someone is asked to speech and perform in public.Some love speaking to the crowd and many fail to speak a word.The lack of confidence,being unprepared,forgetting the lines,unfamiliar environment are some causes of stage fright.I am so much thrilled to give speeches in any moment.My early days of practicing and presenting was with full of nervousness and palpitation.Later my little self motivation brought me to the stage to perform drama,announcing,presentations etc.Dear friends,Would you like to know how I overcome stage fright????

  • I would thank mirror for being a better company.
  • Take deep breathe and go to the spot early.
  • I practice,practice and practice.
  • I put gestures with my hands in the middle and walk little bit to reduce trembling.
  • I only take the short points with me than lengthy sentences.
  • I don't rush or raise my pulse and I do everything gently.
  • I always prepare best introduction because to create a first impression.
  • I take wide look into the audience to maintain eye contact.

These all worked out little by little by making me a spontaneous speaker and I was unable to chase stage fear but I managed to work with it.

What will you do to overcome stage phobia?
Much needed tips for me, I always get nervous when ever i have to deliver a speech or presentation. I am in the process to control my nervous and these tips going to help me in the process, Thank you so much for sharing these tips