Quote Originally Posted by Shana View Post
I'm a compulsive-pleaser and I'm bad at saying 'no' to anything. If someone asks a help from me, I say yes, even though I know they don't deserve it. If anyone asks me to finish some thing, I say Yes, even though I'm already stretching myself thin.If someone gives me an extra responsibility, I say Yes, though I know I could use some rest.
Actually, I tried saying No to some people at some instances, and I ended up regretting it later. It makes me feel guilty for rejecting some one's preposition. I feel responsible for what they'd feel after I say No.
This is a manufacturing fault I have, and I don't know how to recover from this without making enemies of people around me.

Any suggestions I could use to smoothly say no or reject something while not hurting their feelings?
It's general thing for the people I think. Because I have this kind of feel as well, but I never say "No" to anyone. Instead of saying "No" better you can say "Yes, But it takes too long do" or give them an alternative solution to do somehow in another way. Even though I feel guilty sometimes the solutions I suggested not work out well by unexpected factors. Simply God decides those I think.