Quote Originally Posted by Shana View Post
I'm a compulsive-pleaser and I'm bad at saying 'no' to anything. If someone asks a help from me, I say yes, even though I know they don't deserve it. If anyone asks me to finish some thing, I say Yes, even though I'm already stretching myself thin.If someone gives me an extra responsibility, I say Yes, though I know I could use some rest.
Actually, I tried saying No to some people at some instances, and I ended up regretting it later. It makes me feel guilty for rejecting some one's preposition. I feel responsible for what they'd feel after I say No.
This is a manufacturing fault I have, and I don't know how to recover from this without making enemies of people around me.

Any suggestions I could use to smoothly say no or reject something while not hurting their feelings?
the ability to say "No" is one of the important quality of a leader. I consider everyone as leaders, as you are the leader of your own life. I have experienced the same issue in many instances. but later I realized that it is important to prioritize what is more important and critical. this applies everywhere in your life. Again it is your responsibility to identify what is important and critical. when others ask for support or help you can simply state that "I will check and let you know" or other similar terms and then you can kindly apologize and state that you are unable support at the moment. Most of the time this worked out.